I listened to Arashi Discovery....Ohno-kun with Question and three choose^O^
12/8 ::: As for the blood type of ARASHI member, one is AB type with A type four member. By the way, who will it be that is AB type among five member?
1: Aiba Masaki 2: Ohno Satoshi 3: Sakurai Sho
Answer is the first Aiba Masaki (Ohno-kun....easy question ^^)
12/11 ::: There is a mandarin orange to representative fruit to winter from autumn. By the way, which will nouishment said to be included a lot in a mandarin orange commonly be among three of next?
1: Vitamin C 2: Vitamin R 3: Vitamin Z
Answer is the first Vitamin C (Ohno-kun Ahhh...Vitamin R and Z really????)
12/15 ::: I start the Korean problem that Korean Kim gave to me by an email today. There is custom to eat a certain dish in the morning of a birthday in Korea. By the way, what will this a certain cooking be? Please choose him from all over three thing of next.
1 : Kimchi 2: Seaweed Soup 3: プルコギ
An answer is the second Seaweed soup
Click ne ~~~~
12/8 | 12/11 | 12/15
Credit :: HirOmi :: Chaka ::Thank you m(_ _ )m
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